Tolerans and respect

I have finally realised the profane difference between European civilisation and everybody else. It is comparable to the relationship between tolerans and respect. In Europe we find that respect is a very strong word, which we cannot easily take into our mouth. Instead we choose to tolerate you. That enable us to keep a certain distance to everyone. Whereas respect requires a closer look. In contrary to what Europeans feel, respect will not necesarrily compromise your integrity.


sus said…
interessant overvejelse. På engelsk hedder 'at tage ord i munden': to use. Can hardly use this word fx. kh sus
Nina said…
Tolerance byder oprindeligt at udholde smerte. At tolerere en person er altså at udholde vekommende selvom det er utåleligt. Det er bestemt ikke det samme som at værdsætte eller respektere personen. I Peru taler man om 'respeto personal', som er det mindste mans skylder folk. Det allermest basale i kontakten med andre. Gid det var ligesådan i DK. NinaE.

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