Girls - will he ever be able to choose?

I meet him in sleazy bars. We talk secretly and silent about our lives. Though I am not saying that the information we exchange has a very intimate relationship to the truth. But then again, the truth is an overrated commodity.

He tells me about his life in Africa. At least this is what he calls the place he frequent goes to. Africa - a rather broad concept, I should think. Most of the time we talk about women; probable a very male and heterosexual topic. But I guess it is because this is what we are.

Sometimes I wonder if he will ever settle down and enjoy only ONE woman. He will immediately respond that he has tried, but he failed to keep her or maintain her, as he choose to express it. For European ears it might sound very exploitative, but it is not. Only a form of expression. In his defense he concludes that it will be a very long time before he can imagine a women he dares to trust enough to rely on her completely. I find it a very cynical verdict.

This time he has again returned from an African city where he has already been many times. He tells me about Mary and Maria. He was confused about their names. There was something about both of them that tricked his memory. He is sure that he met them before. But instantly, he corrects himself,

He says: "No, I didn't meet them before. It was Nancy and Joy!"

I suggest that women very easily can change names - like they change hairstyle. He shakes his head, and he looks almost furious. He suddenly appears scary as if he is bewitched. He stares straight at me and says that one of them was the best fuck ever. Before I can react, he almost swallows his own words again.

He babbles: ".. or was I dreaming?"

He continues in dreamy tone: "A womans tongue and lips has giving me graceful moments in heaven"

I cannot agree more. But I think he has taking himself too far. He has converted his relationship to woman into pure consumption. Every time he looks in a new direction there is always a new women staring at him and he cannot reject the temptation to act on her lead.


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